There has been lots of research done into the positive outcomes of volunteering for individuals and communities and we see lots of these positive impacts on people coming in and out of our own organization. Here’s some of things we see as most valuable about the volunteering space:

A pathway to self-belief and appreciation

We see it in the tired smiles of our young people as we drive back to the city after a day planting trees out at the Waimakariri River, we see it in the rapid development of confidence of leaders during school holiday programmes and camps, we even see it in our own staff and community members when they come together to help with events on weekends. There is no doubt that volunteering has a positive impact on wellbeing and that it increases our feelings of appreciation for our own skills and contribution. Yes, employers love to see evidence of volunteering and service hours on CVs and this is a big part of why we provide these opportunities for our taiohi. But within each person there is also a hidden record of how they perceive themselves and their abilities, and it is in this internal space of self-confidence and self-belief that service and volunteering can have the biggest impact.

An antidote for discouragement

One thing our news and media does really well is illuminate the problems within our communities and across our country. What they don’t do so well is give us tangible, practical things we can do to make a difference. Service and volunteering can be pathways out of discouragement or frustration with “the way things are” into that exciting and hopeful space of “the way things could be”. It is a special type of activism really, to stand in the face of all the problems facing us and say, I will spend my Saturday afternoon helping out in my neighbourhood, I will find out what things I can influence in my community, I will volunteer my time to being the change I wish to see.

An even playing field for new connections

There is something so special about joining a group that has a core purpose behind it. Community volunteering activities like tree planting or beach clean ups provide a great opportunity for people of different ages and stages to come together for a specific goal. Hands-on volunteering opportunities are a level playing field for everyone involved – it doesn’t matter if you are a Year 9 student at their first ever conservation day or a legendary PhD-holding biologist, your role is just as important on the day as you work together to plant seedlings, harvest veges, or help with the BBQ.

A meeting space for cool, thoughtful people

At the end of a day of volunteering, be it climate-based activities in the great outdoors, a day supporting activities at one of our adventure camps, or helping out with fundraising projects here in the city, we often hear our young people talking about the other people they got to work alongside and sharing positive stories about their interactions. Volunteering seems to attract a really special type of person, someone that is happy to give up some of their precious time to contribute to a greater good. When a whole bunch of those people get together it is pretty much guaranteed good vibes (just spend a week with our Wainui Camp Leaders and you will see what I mean!).

Volunteering Opportunities

We are lucky to have a variety of resources to help get you connected in with volunteering opportunities here in Christchurch and beyond:

The Kind Foundation
The best way to stay up-to-date with volunteering opportunities through our organization is through our social media – Facebook and Instagram. For young people involved in volunteering please have a look at our Kaiwhakatere Leadership Programme

Volunteering Canterbury
A great resource for local volunteering opportunities: Welcome | Volunteering Canterbury

Student Volunteer Army
Amazing volunteer programmes across Aotearoa for students in primary, secondary and tertiary education: Student Volunteer Army New Zealand

A database of active volunteer positions around the country: Volunteer opportunities in New Zealand | SEEK Volunteer

Volunteer Service Abroad
A very special volunteering organisation connecting people with overseas service opportunities: Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) – Connecting people – transforming lives