Our History
In October 2023, the YMCA Christchurch rebranded to The Kind Foundation.
Although we are no longer part of YMCA New Zealand and the Y Movement, we are very proud of our history here in Christchurch. Take a look at how our organisation has grown and developed since the 1800s.
late 1800s
In 1862 the Christchurch YMCA was founded in Lyttelton, running education programmes, athletics and bible studies.
In 1875 a fire destroyed all records of Christchurch YMCA’s first 14 years of existence. In the same year rooms were rented above a shop in Cathedral Square.
In 1878 the 83 members raised enough money to buy land on the corner of Hereford and Cambridge Terrace.
In 1883 the premise in the Square burnt down and all records and equipment were lost leaving a gap in the records from 1875 to 1882.
In 1884 a new building was started on the Cambridge Terrace site. This building would hold a gym and meeting room.

early 1900s
In the very early 1900s Mrs Packe, widow of Col. Packe instituted a Boys Gordon Hall in Riccarton for jockey boys. She had knowledge of Boys Gordon Hall’s from England, which were buildings used for accommodation of working boys during the start of the industrial revolution and named after their founder British general C G Gordon.
In 1908 in an effort to finish funding the main building on the Cambridge Terrace site an agreement was made for with the Boys Gordon Hall Trust. The boys department of the YMCA would be known as the Boys Gordon Hall and representatives of the Boys Gordon Hall Trust would be on the Board of Directors of the YMCA.
The second building (which became the main building) was completed on the Cambridge Terrace site. This building housed the hostel and youth department (Boys Gordon Hall).
In 1929 the Wainui camp was set up for boys camps during the Christmas break. Other programmes the run at that time included: working with the territorials, religious studies, educational classes, physical programming, clubs and special events. These were all for boys or men.

mid 1900s
In 1948 the first Carols by Candlelight event was held. It has been held ever since with only a few exceptions.
In 1961 the Bryndwr site was established. This was used by the YMCA until the development of the current Bishopdale site.
In 1965 the Christchurch College site (corner Hereford Street and Rolleston Avenue) was purchased, which included an accommodation facility (Williams House),that had been used by the hospital for nurses’ accommodation, as well as more latterly for boys attending Christ’s College. More land at Wainui was also purchased in this year.
Williams House – was used by the YMCA to provide long-term affordable accommodation for single men. This continued until 2012.
In 1966 the adjacent property to the Wainui camp was purchased, total land area was now 24 acres.
In 1967 the Cambridge Terrace site was sold to the Government due to compulsory acquisition, and the first new building was completed on the Hereford Street site, this building still stands and has been used since for youth programmes, basketball, health & fitness, gymnastics, climbing and most recently performing arts.

late 1900s
In 1990 a new accommodation building was opened and a climbing wall was built in the main gym area (which had previously been facilities for gymnastics and basketball).
In 1996 Christchurch YMCA launched a new image with assistance of Sir Richard Hadlee.
In 1997 the YMCA was the first gym in Christchurch to offer spin.

2000 – 2010
In 2000 the new lodge at Wainui was completed and officially opened – this building was named Wainui Heights and sleeps 88 people – since then this building has been used primarily for school camps and complements the original site (Powell Village).
In 2007 the new Bishopdale building was officially opened – this building is known as the Bishopdale Youth and Recreation Centre and provides basketball, gymnastics, health & fitness, and a preschool.
In 2008 the first female CEO was appointed.

2011 – 2020
In 2012 the Christchurch Earthquakes closed Williams House (the hostel for single men at Hereford Street) and in 2013 this building was demolished due to concerns about safety.
In 2014 the YMCA purchased a climbing operation in Sydenham, and closed the climbing wall at Hereford Street – YMCA Adventure Centre.
In 2015/16 the YMCA delivered a series of Street Art exhibitions to generate activity in the central city, and to provide opportunities for young people to be part of the creative ‘new’ Christchurch being rebuilt post quake.
In 2017 the YMCA created a performing arts space at Hereford Street (Papa Hou) which delivered a range of youth focused Arts programmes from a black box theatre space.
The YMCA was gifted the Outdoor Education Centre at Arthur’s Pass.

2021 –
In 2021 a $9 million dollar refurbishment of the accommodation building was completed, rebranded to Hotel Give.
In 2023 the YMCA Christchurch undergoes a rebrand and changes the organisation name to The Kind Foundation.
The Papa Hou community facility was completed and opened in November, replacing the old stadium building and housing a new gym, preschool, cafe, black box theatre, office spaces and tenants.